We are excited to announce that we are holding our ‘Bring a Parent Week’ once again!
During week 10 of Term 2 (1st – 6th of July 2024) you will have the opportunity to come and join in with your child during their regular session at either Tea Tree Gully Gymsports or our second venue, Banksia Park Primary School.
If you are interested in coming along, please book into this camp and select the day that your child normally trains – members are not able to attend sessions they are not enrolled in. All participants in the gym will need to engage in the activities provided. We understand that for some people participating in the activities is not always possible but there is no room for seated viewing in the Gym (standing only).
To register for the bring a parent week book your child into this camp.
During your child’s regular session, you will need to check them in for both the camp and the class. The attendance for the camp will be used as a list of parents/caregivers who will be attending and have paid.
We expect all participants to be following the instructions given by the session coaches, we ask that parents/caregivers wear appropriate clothing for gymnastics-based activities (No skirts or dresses).
Participants have to be over the age of 16 – If you require any assistance with this special week, please contact memberservices@ttggymsports.com.au
Bookings will open soon.