As a child progresses through this fantastic sport that’s a very common question many parents are plagued with. 

Every parent wants to support their child and see them grow but how much is enough?

Below are some tips from parents with many years of experience and we hope this helps you.

Be involved

Feel a part of the club and help your child enjoy every aspect of this sport. Getting involved by helping in club events, and doing a gymnastics judging course will help you understand the sport. Participate in club fundraising activities. If you run a business check out sponsorship opportunities to promote your service/products to our community.

Be part of the club yourself so that your child can see the importance of the club to you.


Support the coaches

It’s a good idea to leave the coaching to the coaches. Many of our coaches are or were gymnasts themselves and have been in the sport for a long time. The coaches are here to assist every gymnast at this club,  to attain their goals.

Ask questions

Approach your child’s coach if you have any training-related queries. If you are unhappy with the outcome/response please email the Gymsports manager on
If your query is financial please see the member services team or email 

Celebrate your child’s victories

Remember to always observe and support your child. No matter how small the achievement boost your child’s confidence by acknowledging it.

Learn your gymnast’s goals

No matter what the level is, Gymnastics is a constant learning curve. Understand what your child’s goals are and applauding every goal they achieve and console them when times are tough.

Contribute to the discipline of the gym

Reinforce the need for respectful behaviour, attend all the sessions and arrive on time. Report any planned absences in advance through the iClassPro App and support the club rules and policies. Provide honest feedback by emailing us so that we can plan to improve our member experience. 

Be professional

Keep in mind that you play a very important role as you are also a representative of TTGG, so when you are at a competition, please do not approach any official, remember to not talk about other gymnasts and/or teams. If you have any concerns please have a discussion with your coach and not others they will then deal with it as they see fit. 

When you are in the foyer at TTGG these protocols should also be observed. Parents should only discuss their own children and if they have any concerns speak to the coach.

This is a snapshot of what it is like to be a parent of a gymnast. Be excited, keep your perspective on a wonderful sport, and remember….. What your child does is their very best at that time so keep your spirits high and approach positively.